Digital Space Accelerators (DSA)

DSA 2023 DSA 2024

About DSA:

The Digital Space Accelerator (DSA) is an innovative cooperation mechanism that the DCO General Secretariat created to bring together Thought Leaders, Subject Matter Experts, and Decision Makers from diverse sectors, including governments, the private sector, international organizations, academia, and civil society. The primary aim of DSA is to foster a multi-stakeholder collaboration to design and propose actionable solutions that address the key barriers to a thriving, sustainable, and inclusive digital economy.


  • Impact

    Delivering impactful solutions for the challenges in the digital economy ecosystem

  • Cooperation

    Advocating cooperation across the DCO digital environment by connecting the thought leaders and experts globally to serve the enablement of a sustainable and inclusive digital economy.

  • Reliability

    Provide reliable and credible source of research-driven solutions for DCO Member States, Observers and other partners across the digital economy’s ecosystem.